Virtual Nitrox Analyzer App

The best thing in nitrox diving since nitrox!
Since we first opened the doors as a training agency, RAID has built a reputation for innovation, agility, and change. That’s the way we think. That’s the way we do business. But few things on our list of “firsts” come close to our online Virtual Nitrox Analyzer.
In a response to instructors needing to teach remotely, and considering nitrox is one of the most popular diver specialties plus the issues with certifying a diver at that level, we have released the Nitrox Virtual Analyzer App – Powered by RAID.
Most nitrox students do not own or have easy access to a nitrox analyzer, and this is the most elegant and simple solution to the problem.
Download the App to your mobile device (iOS & Android) now by following the links below and see for yourself.
Google Play Store:
Apple App Store:
We think it’s brilliant and hope you do too. Essentially, what it’s designed to do is show divers who have enrolled in a Nitrox Specialty the basic functions of an oxygen analyzer… turn-on, calibrate, manage flow, note the result in a nitrox fill log, and apply the results to the dive plan. The Nitrox Virtual Analyzer helps take the mystery out of preparing for a nitrox dive.
During a REMOTe-Training session with their instructor (via video conferencing of course), divers get to see the real thing being demonstrated, and of course, when they do actually nitrox dive, they will use a real analyzer, but at that point, they are already comfortable with its functions.
With RAID and thanks to the Virtual Nitrox Analyzer, divers who earn a certification will have a level of familiarity with checking their gas before using it in the real world.

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