Dive Centers
We are Dive RAID (SMBI)
As the authorized Dive RAID regional office for the regions of Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia (West). Contact us if you are interested in joining the RAID family.
Grow your comfort, build your confidence, with RAID.
Do you want a quick taste or a long-term career? Then choose RAID!
From a half-day Try-Dive experience to the most complex cave diving or rebreather expedition, and everything in between. The RAID logo means you’ll get quality attention regardless of how deeply you want to explore the underwater adventure zone.
Our policy is that no diver graduates from a RAID diving program, uncomfortable doing the skills required to enjoy diving safely. Diving without proficiency in the essential skills is a high-risk activity. So there is no fudging competency, no sign-off when more work is needed.
NO kneeling on the bottom to demonstrate skills. And, proper gas management from open water onwards, for example.
Because of our stance, we have been called ‘harsh’ and our programs ‘unnecessarily difficult.’ We say that’s nonsense. Diving requires mastery of the basics. A step-by-step progression as divers work towards more complex goals. It’s simply a question of us working to help keep you as safe as possible and make you the best you can be.
Grow your comfort, and build your confidence. Dive RAID
RAID professionals are closely vetted before earning their instructor status. And are some of the most respected in the dive industry. The benefit for you is peace-of-mind. Your safety and enjoyment are our top priorities.
We are extremely proud of our two-part QA program. We believe it helps us to ensure that we maintain the highest quality instructors. Giving the most comprehensive, enjoyable, and safe diving courses in the scuba industry.
Part one of our QA system is an automatic post-course survey in which each student must verify what they have done.
1) Demonstrated the required skills (listed)
2) Are comfortable doing them. If a student is not entirely satisfied, the system will not allow the instructor to certify the student until the issue is corrected.
Part two of the QA system is our QA panel. They are an important part of our training department. This panel consists of senior Instructor-trainers, experienced educators, and our risk management team.
Its job is to monitor RAID Dive Centres, instructors, and the courses they deliver; to make sure safe diving practices are followed. And that marine life and the underwater environment are respected and protected for this generation of divers, and those who we will train in the future.
RAID is super aware that climate change and environmental protection are concerns for everyone. We have taken that responsibility seriously! We teach our divers to conduct low or no-impact diving when in the water. As well as to respect landowner rights when preparing to dive. Our policies and standards for professional conduct demand that our members share and promote a green approach to our sport.
RAID embraces any technology that helps us deliver the best, most adaptive education and instruction for our students. We are a totally “online” company and have the smallest carbon “fin-print” in the scuba and freediving communities.
Also, since ours is an equipment-intensive activity, we promote and use the latest innovations in personal dive gear from underwater lighting to rebreathers.
Although the basic scuba diving equipment today would be recognizable to a diver from a generation past, its function and reliability are far, far better. These constant improvements help to keep scuba diving as safe as possible and available to the broadest audience. The gear you’ll be using in your class will be proven quality, well maintained, and suitable for the types of dives you’ll be doing.
With a few exceptions, second-hand gear that your aunt or uncle used to dive 30 years ago, will not meet the requirements of RAID’s training standards.
RAID has always pushed the envelope in the diving industry, for the good of industry players and divers alike. Some good examples of this are the FREe-Learning program, so anyone, non-diver or diver to have a full preview of ALL the RAID training manuals. This allows anyone to understand the requirements and training before taking up a course. REMOTe-Training offers you the chance to be fully certified in selected courses without ever leaving your home! Along with Zero FEe-Membership, which was launched in late 2021; which removed the need for any RAID professional to pay an annual fee to remain active in RAID.
These are just some initiatives we launched to help the industry coupe during the pandemic.
Every person involved with RAID, our HQ staff, instructors, and dive centers around the world, and every member of Regional Office staff, are held to the highest standard. No exceptions. Colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, mobility, or different abilities, nothing will influence your interaction with Dive RAID International.