Improved finning – helicopter turn

Improve finning – helicopter turn Understanding the Helicopter Turn The helicopter turn is a specialized diving technique that evolved from the frog kick. It provides precise rotational control around a fixed point, making it invaluable for underwater activities that require stable positioning. Applications Underwater photography and videography Cave and wreck penetration diving Reef diving for […]

Improved finning – frog kick

Improve finning – frog kick The Frog Kick: Essential Underwater Propulsion Overview The frog kick is a fundamental diving technique that provides exceptional underwater control. Similar to the breaststroke swimming technique, it’s adapted for scuba diving to maximize fin efficiency and minimize environmental impact. Key Benefits Precise directional control (forward, backward, and rotational movement) Minimal […]

Improved finning – flutter

Improve your finning – flutter kick The Flutter Kick: Fundamental Diving Propulsion Overview The flutter kick, while basic, is an essential diving technique that provides powerful propulsion when executed correctly. It’s particularly effective for current navigation and reef exploration. Basic Technique Proper Body Position Align legs, feet, and fins in a straight line Think of […]